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Prom and Prejudice, Elizabeth Eulberg |
Content Review
Title : Prom and Prejudice
Author : Elizabeth Eulberg
Publisher: Bentang Belia
Translator: Retno Retnadi
Hardcover: 216 pages
ISBN: 978-602-9397-01-7
Reading level: Young Adult
anak beasiswa dianggap aib luar biasa di sekolah elite Akademi
Longbourn. Ini bikin hidup Elizabeth Bannet alias Lizzie enggak gampang.
Bullying jadi makanan sehari-harinya. Kebayang kan, gimana ganasnya
cewek-cewek yang merasa dirinya paling oke? Lizzie udah muak dan
antipati sama semua orang kaya yang menghina orang lain.Untungnya ada
Jane, sohib setia Lizzie ini selalu baik. Saat Jane naksir cowok, Lizzie
ikut seneng. Charles baik dan ramah banget, bahkan sama Lizzie si anak
beasiswa. Enggak kayak Darcy, cowok sobat Charles ini selalu bikin
Lizzie naik pitam dan berprasangka negatif tiap ketemu dengannya.Tiga
kata buat Darcy dari Lizzie: sok cool, misterius, dan congkak! Tapi
bagaimana kalau seandainya sikap aneh Darcy itu tanda suka? Seisi dunia
pasti akan jungkir balik!
Bennet is a scholarship student at Longbourn Academy. And that's make
Elizabeth Bannet or Lizzie life is not easy. She is treated as a
complete outsider and bullied almost daily. Imagine the ferocity of
girls who find themselves greatest? Lizzie was fed up and antipathy with
all rich people who always insult others. Fortunately she has jane.
Jane is Lizzie best friend and she so nice person.
Lizzie is happy about
her friend's burgeoning romance but less than impressed by Charles's
friend, Will Darcy, who's snobby and pretentious. Will Darcy is a
pompous jerk, this always makes Lizzie furious and negatively prejudiced
each meet him. Three
words for Darcy from Lizzie: quasi cool, mysterious, and arrogant! But
what if a strange attitude of Darcy was a sign of love? The whole world
must be upside down!

In this modern-day version of Jane Austen's Pride &
Prejudice, Lizzie Bennett attends the elite Longbourn Academy for Girls
on a music scholarship. Wealthy classmates, who don't believe there's
room at Longbourn for anyone without money and proper breeding, often
snub or pull pranks on Lizzie. She tries to focus on excelling at piano
while avoiding the discussions of trust funds, designer clothes and most
of all, prom.
Bisa dikatakan prom adalah acara terbesar untuk akhir dari seluruh empat tahun. Sebagai seorang beasiswa, sulit baginya untuk memahami biaya dan segala jenis kemewahan yang dipersiapkan semua temannya hanya untuk Prom. Lizzie sendiri tidak tertarik pada gaun desainer dan sepatu mahal, tapi sahabatnya, Jane sangat menantikan Prom ini dan berusaha menyiapkannya sebaik mungkin, terutama sekarang bahwa Charles Bingley akan kembali dari London. Lizzie senang sahabat terbaiknya sedang jatuh cinta.
is the biggest event for the entire four years. As a scholarship
student, it's hard for her to understand the expense and hype. Lizzie isn’t
interested in designer dresses and expensive shoes, but her best
friend, Jane, might be — especially now that Charles Bingley is back
from London. Lizzie is happy about her friend’s burgeoning romance.
Ketika Lizzie menghadiri pesta dengan Jane dia diperkenalkan ke Will Darcy. Tapi kesan pertama yang ditujukan ke Lizzie sangat dingin, Darcy tampaknya tidak menyukai Lizzie, tapi dia menganggap itu karena keluarganya tidak memiliki uang. dan mereka tidak ingin bergaul dengan si Beasiswa seperti Lizzie. Jelas, Will Darcy sangat brengsek sombong. Jadi mengapa Lizzie menemukan dirinya tertarik padanya sih? Tapi kadang-kadang kesan pertama bisa menipu.
Lizzie attends a party with Jane she is introduced to Will Darcy. Darcy
doesn’t seem to like Lizzie either, but she assumes it’s because her
family doesn't have money. Clearly, Will Darcy is a pompous jerk. So why does Lizzie find herself drawn to him anyway? But sometimes first impressions can be deceiving.

My first opinion for this book is " If you are not fan of Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen, you will not enjoy this book ". And if you've read Pride and Prejudice then you will find the same exact character in this book. This book has a special attraction for the modern version of Pride and Prejudice. I liked the cover book is looks simple but very sweet. But to be honest i will never to love this version if previously I had not read Pride and prejudice. Because the story is quite stiff, and unattractive. However, because this story is similar versions of Jane Austen. So I love it ☺
Tidak semua mengikuti alur cerita dari versi Jane Austen, semisal ending dari keduanya berbeda jauh. Di Prom and prejudice ending cerita nya tentu saja mereka tidak menikah (mereka masih terlalu muda untuk membicarakan pernikahan) dan beberapa hubungan tokoh seperti Jane yang di sini menjadi sahabat dekat dan di versi jane Austen mereka adalah saudara kandung. Dan saya cukup menyukai ending cerita Prom and Predjuice karena cukup mengejutkan dan membuatku tersenyum :)
Not all similar with the plot of Jane Austen's version, for example the ending of the two is so different. Prom and prejudice in ending story of course they are not married (they are too young to talk about marriage) and some figures such as Jane's relationship are here became close friends and in versions of Jane Austen they are siblings. And I Love the ending of this story because it is quite surprising and make me smile :)
“It's very easy to get a boy to leave the room.
It's much harder to get him to leave your thoughts.”
― Elizabeth Eulberg, Prom and Prejudice
“Sometimes friends have to suffer for their friends' happiness.”
― Elizabeth Eulberg, Prom and Prejudice
“Georgie took out her phone. 'I want to take a picture of you two.' She held up her phone and motioned for us to get together.
Darcy and I lined up against the railing. 'No, I need you closer together to get you both in the photo,' she instructed.
I had taken countless pictures on the waterfront and I knew that if you were getting the skyline in the background, you didn't need to be that close.
Darcy put his arm around my shoulder and we leaned in. I slipped my arm around his waist and I noticed how easily I fit into the little nook on his side.
'Oh, hold on, I'm having problems.' Georgie played with her phone for a few moments while we just stood there in our posed embrace.
She looked up at her brother and blushed. 'Um, I think it works now.”
― Elizabeth Eulberg, Prom and Prejudice
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single girl of high standing at Longbourn Academy must be in want of a prom date.”
― Elizabeth Eulberg, Prom and Prejudice
“It was bad enough to see friendship and love in terms of politics. But seeing it in terms of business was even worse.”
― Elizabeth Eulberg, Prom and Prejudice
“I know, but it's just one night and I really think it's silly to spend thousands of dollars on a dress you only wear once.”
― Elizabeth Eulberg, Prom and Prejudice
“If you don't have any feelings for Will Darcy, why are you blushing and fixing your hair?”
― Elizabeth Eulberg, Prom and Prejudice
“Elizabeth Bennet, will you do me the great honor of not going to prom with me?”
― Elizabeth Eulberg, Prom and Prejudice

It's much harder to get him to leave your thoughts.”
― Elizabeth Eulberg, Prom and Prejudice
“Sometimes friends have to suffer for their friends' happiness.”
― Elizabeth Eulberg, Prom and Prejudice
“Georgie took out her phone. 'I want to take a picture of you two.' She held up her phone and motioned for us to get together.
Darcy and I lined up against the railing. 'No, I need you closer together to get you both in the photo,' she instructed.
I had taken countless pictures on the waterfront and I knew that if you were getting the skyline in the background, you didn't need to be that close.
Darcy put his arm around my shoulder and we leaned in. I slipped my arm around his waist and I noticed how easily I fit into the little nook on his side.
'Oh, hold on, I'm having problems.' Georgie played with her phone for a few moments while we just stood there in our posed embrace.
She looked up at her brother and blushed. 'Um, I think it works now.”
― Elizabeth Eulberg, Prom and Prejudice
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single girl of high standing at Longbourn Academy must be in want of a prom date.”
― Elizabeth Eulberg, Prom and Prejudice
“It was bad enough to see friendship and love in terms of politics. But seeing it in terms of business was even worse.”
― Elizabeth Eulberg, Prom and Prejudice
“I know, but it's just one night and I really think it's silly to spend thousands of dollars on a dress you only wear once.”
― Elizabeth Eulberg, Prom and Prejudice
“If you don't have any feelings for Will Darcy, why are you blushing and fixing your hair?”
― Elizabeth Eulberg, Prom and Prejudice
“Elizabeth Bennet, will you do me the great honor of not going to prom with me?”
― Elizabeth Eulberg, Prom and Prejudice

Thanks for reading! See ya on My next post..
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